Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Side Note: God Thinking

In the past couple post I have referred to God as thinking. I would like to take a moment to look at God's thoughts and what I am saying when I say God is "thinking".

As we have already seen, any amount of time in the context of eternity becomes nothing. All of God's "thoughts" therefor would be instant and complete. If God had to think one thought after another and build an idea it would not matter how long the thought process took, once the thought was complete it would become instant. As I said before, if God took one million years to plan each second of your life it would still be less than nothing in the context of eternity.

I simply want to make clear I don't believe God had to stumble around with an idea and experiment, change His mind, and do the whole "brain storming" thing. Everything God does is finished when it begins. There are no mistakes. There is no changing of the mind. Everything that is going on in the reality He has created us in has already been completed. We only get to experience it moment by moment.

I can hear people crying predestination now. Were going to cover that eventually. For now though, let's put God back in eternity past thinking about laying down His life for us.


Gordon said...

The concepts of thought, rationale, logic, planning, etc. are human concepts. They are often applied to God anthropomorphically so that we can seek to understand Him. In truth, His ways are far beyond ours.

Nephos said...

Thanks for your comments and visit to my blog.

Your posts here are very thought provoking! I look forward to reading more.

Michael Pendleton said...

Thank You to both of you for your encouraging words!
That was some word there Gordon. I had to go look it up.

Gordon said...

Lol. I did that on purpose to challenge you, buddy. That is one of those words you learn in college and then spend the rest of your life waiting for an opportunity to use it.

Dave Norris said...

"My thoughts are not your thoughts, for as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are my thoughts higher than your thoughts"- Isaiah 55:8-9.

As well as our ways and His ways