Tuesday, February 21, 2006

(8) Lucifer

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High" (Isaiah 14:12-14).

This is the account of one angel who was cast from Heaven. Lucifers pride got the better of him. For more on pride Click Here for a great post. It is my wish to concentrate on were that pride possibly came from.

In the previous post I guessed what the first thing Jesus said to the angels was. I guessed what was said based on the results. My guess was that Jesus told the angels that He was they're creator and there was none else besides Him. The reaction from at least one angel was to question this. This one angel was Lucifer.

When do you suppose Lucifer first questioned if Jesus was God? I think it was at the very moment Jesus told him that he was a created thing. A created being made by Him. I also think a seed of doubt immediately took root in other angels.

I don't think Lucifer immediately acted upon his suspicion though. We are never told how long the angels were with God before the creation of our reality and there is no way I can know how long Lucifer served the Lord before his fall but I have a guess at the order events went in.

Lucifer upon hearing he was a created being questioned it. I believe he probably would have spoke up right then except he found out he was the most beautiful among the angels and the highest servant (read Ezekiel chapter 28). Pride then stepped in. It was at that moment he became a liar and the father of lies. The first lie he told was to himself in his heart. Lucifer served the Lord but I believe he was serving for his own vain glory until something else was said by the Lord. Something that tipped Lucifer over the edge. Something that ignited a rebellion.

I believe the Lord told the angels His intention to create our reality. It was this that tipped Lucifer over the edge. Here is why I guess this.

Lucifer was not created in God's image. As beautiful as he was he was not in the image of God. Man was going to be in the image of God.

Lucifer was the most high but man was going to be the object of God's affection. God was going to become one with man. God would have an intimacy with man that Lucifer could not know. Why do I say this? Angels do not marry (Matthew 22:30). Since angels do not marry they cannot know the intimacy of becoming one flesh (genesis 2:24). Those of man who place their faith in Jesus become His bride. Man has the potential to be one with the Lord. Lucifer never had that potential.

I think Lucifer was jealous. I think his pride kicked into high gear and he spoke out. Lucifer couldn't understand what the Lords plan was. I believe the moment Lucifer questioned his creation he immediately became unable to understand anything. Lucifer did not accept the things of God, for they were folly to him, and he was not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. All Lucifer knew was he was the most beautiful of God's creation. He was the most high of God's creation. He was Gods chosen servant. All this was crushed at the announcement of God's plan of man and redemption.

Lucifer spoke out. Lucifer spoke out and the angels who had seeds of doubt in them at the announcement of their creation stood with him. Lucifer and the angels that stood with him exercised their freewill to choose to believe or not believe that the Lord was their maker.

In the next post, The Fall.

1 comment:

Correy said...

I linked to deeper truth under Christian blogs at puritan belief.

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