Thursday, February 23, 2006

A Fatal Error

In the story in the previous post I noticed I somehow omitted the most important part of the story. The line that reads, "I saw my Father, and quickly fell asleep." should have been, "When I was born again I saw my Father, and quickly fell asleep".

Without being born again the rest of the story means nothing. This has me thinking. Perhaps you are going through the story of your life and you have somehow omitted the most important part.

I have gone back and corrected the error in my short story but someday you will stand before God and you might say, "I somehow omitted the most important part of my story". Unlike my omission though, you will not be able to go back and correct that error. It will be a fatal error from which there is no recovery.

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    Tim A said...

    I just took it that that was what it was all talking about. Your born again experience, and how you behaved following.

    Michael Pendleton said...
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    Michael Pendleton said...

    Hmmmmmm..... I deleted my own post. I wanted to edit it. Oh Well! I'm still learning this web page stuff.

    What I said was....

    I really was born with a collapsed lung. I literally was born dead. I about killed my mom. After recessitation I spent a few days in an oxygen tank thing. I guess the doctors said I would have brain damage. I suppose the jury is still out on that one.

    I spent roughly 29 years being completely stupid and then another 5 or so trying to drink God out of my life. I suppose my soul knew what it was in for and decided to try and check out from the start.

    This is why it was important, to me anyway, that there be a distinction of being born again.