Friday, April 07, 2006

Losing God's Blessing

When I started this blog I had the idea I wanted to write about a bunch of things that I had always thought about and so I started writing a whole series of post. It was my intention that they should have gone on much longer but I stopped writing the series. I just didn't think God's blessings were upon that line of writing anymore.

Many of you enjoyed the Heaven series. I thank you all very much! I was going to write one last post in that series but it began to feel like I was writing in my own strength and so I haven't.

Over at Puritan Belief there has been an ongoing series of post that seem to me they have gone on too long. At Modern Day Magi's sight there was the potential for a post to drag on to long when he had a post titled Green Beer which started a Catholic debate.

All this leads to a question....

Is it possible to move out from under God's blessing upon our endeavors and into a place were we are doing everything in our own strength?

It's not just writing I have been thinking about. It's prayer. It's study. It's going to church. It's the whole Christian walk. It's all part of spiritual check up I think I need. I have been checking myself. Does anyone else do that?


Tim A said...

Paul, told the Corinthians, I think it was, to Examine themselves... I do that all the time, and probably to a fault. There must be self examination, but not over doing it, by getting down on yourself.
My recommendation is to let the Word and the Holy Spirit convict, comfort, guide, and shelter you.
Yes, I do examine myself. I think it is a much overlooked need. Overdone by others.

Michael Pendleton said...

This makes me think that we can even examine ourselves in our own strength. When we do it to a fault or get down on ourselves we have moved out from under Gods blessing.

I think I have been guilty of that.

Gordon said...

May God bless your heart in this, Michael. TA gives you good advice in this. Let the Holy Spirit guide you through the Word as you examine yourself.

And the Holy Spirit, when he is come, will guide you into all truth.

Modern Day Magi said...

I can only speak of my own experience michael.
I know there have been times when I have lost focus of Jesus in the midst of pursuing more of Him. This may sound a contradiction. I dont believe it is and it is something which is easy to do.

When examining scripture we all want to understand the wonder of God. This is not where the fault lies. The fault lies when we begin to pursue understanding for our own intelectual fulfillment or satisfaction of learning something new. I love learning and get great satisfaction from learning new things.

We need always seek first the Kingdom for the sake of Jesus, we cant find it any other way but through Him. Using the excuse, "But I'm seeking His kingdom" for intellectual reasons and not to be drawn closer to him is a problem I have and the Lord is helping me to deal with.

For the record though I did bow out of the 'green beer' conversation when I noticed I was debating for debatings sake and not Jesus'.

Great post and something we should all think on and pray about, me especially.


Lori said...

Just wanted 2 say hello...God Loves you..God Bess...

Live, Love, Laugh said...

Michael, yes I also examine my life daily. I want to be in His will and I know it is so easy to get into the flesh and not really be in His perfect will. He is aware of our weaknesses and in them He is made strong.

I know where there is no struggle, there is no strength, it is those times in the valleys, that I look to Him for direction.

I was blessed to hear part of your testimony. God has truly had His Hand on your life. Take care.