Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Jesus is my American Idol!

My wife likes to watch American Idol so we were watching tonight when the contestants all went back to their respective home towns to thousands upon thousands of cheering, screaming, hysterical, people.

All this for people who are not even technically stars yet.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could get that excited about a Savior who died to show how much He loved us and wanted us to be with Him?

Jesus wasn't a star but there was a time when He road into a city to cheering, screaming, hysterical, people......yet the same people screamed "Crucify Him!" only a few short hours later.

People are fickle like that and thus the church is driven in purpose to please the people with it's best American Idol glitz and glam to attract an unfaithful bunch who only want to hear about their best life now.

Perhaps if we would "determined not to know any thing among" the world, "save Jesus Christ, and him crucified" the Holy Ghost would move and produce "The sacrifices of God" which "are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart". "The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit" ( 1 Corinthians 2:2, Psalm 51:17,34:18).

What did that say? The Lord would SAVE them!

We have it all backwards.

"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him" (Psalm 126:6).

We want to rejoice first. We want feel good messages that will help us find a purpose for our best life now. We don't want to be told that smoking a cigarette is a sin. We don't want to be told that living together out of wedlock is a sin. We don't want to hear about our braty kids that don't listen because we plop them in front of video games and TV's while we work two jobs and marriages crumble chasing an American Idol dream. Nope! We want to forget all that every Sunday when we go to church and hear what a great bunch of people we are and how proud god (small G) is of us for simply showing up every other Sunday for the fourth service.

I'm rambling. This is a spontaneous post. Just something I was thinking about.........maybe God will use it bear some precious seed.


jel said...

ncGreat Post!

Tim A said...

That was more than, just rambling.
That was the truth.

Nunzia said...

haha i liked that a lot! Thanks from one Idol fan to another -- and I don't just mean Taylor Hicks!

Anonymous said...

Nice blog.It is true that we can cheer and yell for concerts and sporting events. But when it comes to church we're quiet. How much greater is Jesus than a game or concert.

Gordon said...

Very good, Michael. We need more voices like this.

Modern Day Magi said...

Hosanna,Hosanna,Hosanna to God in the Highest!!!!

Live, Love, Laugh said...

Michael, this is definately worth thinking about. I wish it could be published in the newspaper, you are so right on. We should be cheering the Saviour who has given all for us. Our world needs Him so yet, they reject the gift. Thanks for posting this, it was totally awesome.

Joe said...

You are so correct! We have it backwards.

Jesus is all there is, ultimately.

Curious Servant said...

I haven't caught the "Idol" bug, but I appreciate your point.

donna said...

Excellent Post !!

Anonymous said...

Jesus is not an idol. He is much more than that. He is a saint to whom we are praying. However, your post is excellent!