Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Weekend

Sorry I'm late on the next Ecclesiastes post. I'm sorry I'm late with a post period.

I thought about posting Friday but I thought I would wait for Saturday, you see, Saturday was pageant day. My wife and her mom enters one of our daughters in pageants. That means I stay out of the way all day long and/or hide which means usually watch a movie or sit at the computer. Yesterday however was not one of those days. I decided to go outside and rake our yard. While I was at it I raked my mother-in-laws yard and then part of our neighbors. It was like Jesus said, "Are you frustrated? RAKE!". And so I did with 3 big ol scabbed up blisters to show for it.

Today we took the girls to the city pool and now my big fat belly is all tanned and I'm tired from throwing girls through the air and pulling them around the pool at break neck speed!

We probably should be going to church right about now but were going to stay home. I'm just not ready for another sermon on how to get saved....but I digress

I will try tomorrow to get the next Ecclesiastes post up. I know what I want to write about. I have it all in my head. I just need a couple names I don't feel like looking up right now and I'll be set. It's going to be on Ecclesiastes 2:16-17. Just think of what one person can do. Can you think of any examples? I'll give you a hint. Abraham.

Thanks for all your comments on the previous post. I didn't expect that! Just some spontaneous thoughts that dumped out into a post.

Thanks for coming to Deeper Truth!


Gordon said...

Hey, Michael, hope things are going better for you.

jel said...

just droping in to say hi,
hope all is well

Modern Day Magi said...

no rest for the righteous huh?


Tim A said...

I hope you are doing okay.
Just want you to know I appreciate your writing on Ecc.
Praying for you.
Tim A.

jel said...

just stopping by,
hope all is well with you and family!

God's blessings!

Jada's Gigi said...

Fun reading the AI post...good thoughts...:)
Question for you?? Why do you keep attending a church that only instructs you in getting saved? I would think you'd have way too many questions for that. :)

Modern Day Magi said...

I trust all is well, if a little busy at the moment.

Take care michael.


Curious Servant said...

Just checking in on you!

Glad you are well.

Elliott Broidy said...

Thats insane